A good news Conscious Business story for the end of the year GCFCL

A good news Conscious Business story for the end of the year

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Conscious businesses come in all shapes and sizes and I found this little business today in the unlikeliest of places – Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I was on the hunt for baking goods for my daughter’s 6th birthday cake and came upon Bakers Bin in a small, off-the-beaten-track shopping centre. But small did not not mean small-minded. Stefaan, the business owner, and Peter, his trusty sidekick who, he said, had been working with him for many years, made our little shopping experience out of the ordinary. First of all, Stefaan and Peter went out of their way to find us the various cake mixes and icing colours we were looking for. So far, so normal […]

Are schools inspiring the Conscious Leaders of tomorrow?

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Last week I was at my son’s school for a prize- giving event and was taken by something the Headmaster Mr Knibbs said during his welcome speech to the parents and student. He talked about a focus ‘beyond academic results’ and about the importance of creating a sense of balance and wellbeing in the school. This, Mr Knibbs said, ‘would lead to the right results for each boy and for Hampton school as a whole’. He went on to talk about the importance of creating balance – helping the boys develop inner confidence, strength of character and a healthy relationship with competition. He talked about humility, resilience and the boys being mindful of their actions whilst […]

A Tale of Two Taxis - gcfcl.com

A Tale of Two Taxis

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London. Winter coming. You couldn’t find a better time to be in the taxi business. Punters wanting a warm ride rather than a cold walk or a stuffed Tube. Enter into this scene two taxi businesses, Hailo and GetTaxi. Both offering the same thing: an app-enabled, live-tracked taxi booking service that gives customers the power to book their black cab (from within the comfort of the warm indoors) and watch it arrive in real time, then have it charged straight to their business account. Couldn’t be better. Except, one of these is a classic case of how to do business in a more conscious way, with your stakeholders in mind, and the other is a […]

Conscious Leadership, a Herd of Horses and 3 Brains - GCFCL.com

Conscious Leadership, a Herd of Horses and 3 Brains

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What does three days spent with a herd of horses and conscious leadership have in common? A lot as it turns out! For some people, spending three days with a herd of horses would be a sublime way to spend their time. For others it might be close to terrifying. However, this is what I have just done in order to understand how horses help us become better leaders. For clarity, I have worked with horses before in terms of personal development, but this specific programme demonstrated to me the importance of bringing our full capacity to leadership. The programme was entitled The Zone of Intuitive Knowing – but I renamed it ‘Everything you need […]


Seven Secrets of Authenticity

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Stuart Haden (Excerpt from Can you be coached to authentic greatness?) As we increasingly place greater emphasis on personal values many people choose to develop as authentic leaders. An authentic leader is aware of their identity and skilfully exhibits these values in the workplace… If you want to develop authenticity with the support and challenge of a coach then consider the following Seven Secrets of Authenticity: IDENTITY – aligning yourself. In order to be authentic we have to raise our self-awareness and understand who we really are. We need to be mindful that the external environment is important, but ensure we also focus on our inner world. INNER – skillfully expressing yourself. It is one […]

Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics: Theory you can use

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Post by Jon Freeman  spiralfutures.com Native American wisdom teacher Sun Bear once said “I am not interested in a philosophy if it doesn’t help me grow corn”.  Theories are much the same. Their usefulness depends essentially on three things: Do they explain what we can see? Do they correctly predict what will happen next? Do they provide useful information that helps us change outcomes? In 1974 Professor Clare W. Graves described the conditions that would face mankind in the future. He said that these conditions would demand a “momentous leap” in human capacities. Forty years on we are now living in exactly the life conditions he predicted. This prediction was based on decades of research […]


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